During the last months A, D and E classes worked on the history of our school through photography. Some of the photos used in the project were found by pupils themselves, after asking their families and others by the school archive. A graders observed old photos of our school and discussed on important historical events in the 20th century through the photographic documents of their school. They also made ‘The history of our school’ Camera Scrapbook, a mini-book including old photos of the school and important information. D and E class also observed photos, as well as old school documents (searched and found in the National Archive Service in Volos) and archives, comparing the old days of our school with today’s . E graders took an interview from a pupil’s grandfather. Mr Stathis Giannelos, an old teacher in our school gave us photos and other documents and we are grateful for this. We finally created a video narrating the story of our school through photos and all the material collected by archives and interviews.

“Our school history” video

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